Saturday, January 11, 2014

Sometimes there's nothing you can do

Note to Self:

Sometimes there really isn't anything you can do. And that just sucks. 

I'm a fixer. Either I fix things or I help other people fix things. That's just my mindset. Give me a problem and I'll figure out how to solve it. I guess that's the "engineer" in me--for those of you who don't know, my dad is an engineer and everyone expected me to follow in his footsteps. I hate engineering and math and science, but I'm fairly good at it. Anyway . . . I've always kind of made it my job to fix things. Somehow it seemed that I always attracted problems . . . whether it be things or people. And then I made it my job to do what I could to help out. And I love doing it. I'm going into psychology because I want to help people . . . and it's a psychologist's job to help people help themselves which is even better. 

Well, in the last couple years especially, I've learned that sometimes . . . there really isn't anything I can do. I can try and try and try again . . . but it doesn't make a difference. And that just sucks. 

Sometimes there isn't an answer. Sometimes two plus two just doesn't equal four . . . it just doesn't. Sometimes people need to figure it out on their own and any "help" you try to give them will really only do harm. And sometimes there's nothing anyone can do... it just is what it is. 

This has been one of the life lessons that's been the hardest for me to learn. . . but also one of the most rewarding. I used to beat my self up about not being able to help someone or fix something. And yeah, sometimes I still do. It still kills me to sit back and do nothing . . . but sometimes that's all you can do. 

Sometimes you have to sit on the sidelines. Be there in case the people you love come to you for help and give you something you can actually do. Sometimes you just have to sit on the sidelines, pray, and trust that God knows what he is doing. Trust that, somehow, everything will work out. 

I know this is short . . . and kind of vague. But I don't know what else to say.  I just feel like I needed to say this. Because it's something that I am personally working on learning . . . and I figure I can't be the only one. Thanks everyone! 

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