Thursday, May 29, 2014

God's plan and timing

Note to Self:

Trust in God's plan and in His timing. 

You'd think I would have learned this by now! And I guarantee I still haven't really learned it. Boo. In fact, this is something that I've touched on in a previous post:

The truth is, this concept is one of the hardest things for me to grasp. Truth? I HATE NOT BEING IN CONTROL. Control keeps me calm and makes me feel safe. Another truth? I am RARELY in control.  

**Spoiler Alert**
You can expect at least one more post about this type of thing in the future because I'm sure there's a lot of change coming in the next year or so. 


This summer I moved back home from school to save money (no rent), help my family move, and get summer job to help pay for school and everything else. So, for the last month or two, I've been looking for a job. What a fun ride that is, huh? One place never got back to me, another wasn't actually hiring, a third place hired someone before I could get away from school to apply. And each time I was just as disappointed. But I AM learning. Every night I added a new phrase to my prayers along the lines of: 

"Help me to be patient. If this job isn't what You have in store for me, I pray that I won't get it. I pray that I will be open to the opportunities that I trust you will give me. Help me to be humble to recognize when the right thing comes along and help me to recognize Your hand in my life." 

I am slowly learning and accepting that what God has planned for me is so much better than what I could plan for myself. And my summer job is just another example of this. 

A few weeks ago I applied to work for an organization called Rise. They work with a range of kids who need a little extra help - whether they have different mental or physical disabilities, or are in foster care, etc. After some help from my amazing friends/references, I got a call a few days later saying that I got the job. Today I finished my second training with them (it was "Western"themed . . . no big deal). And I can honestly say, before even my true first day on the job, that this is one of the best things that has happened to me. I'm sure I can't even imagine all of the blessings that will come from working with these kids and I cannot wait to do all that I can to be a blessing in their lives as well. 

The point is, this wouldn't have happened if I had gotten one of those other jobs. Working in a bakery, or an ice cream place, or whatever other typical "summer jobs" I could have found. But I trusted in God. I trusted that He had a better plan for me than I had for myself and that if I humbled myself enough to follow it, I wouldn't regret it. And I know that I won't. 

So, as hard as it is for me, I know that I need to trust in God's plan and timing. Because He knows me better than I know myself and He knows exactly what I need in my life. I struggle with this nearly every day, but it's something that I'm constantly working on. 

And whoever you are reading this, I know that He has a plan for you too. And it's amazing. And you have more potential than you could ever imagine. So trust in Him. His plan. His timing. It is so, so worth it.