Tuesday, September 11, 2012

You are alive

Note to Self:

You're alive. Be happy. :)

My account of the terrorist attack on the World Trade center, 11 years ago today:
September 11th, 2001,
I was only 6 years old and had just started first grade a couple weeks before. I woke up early and was eating breakfast and watching tv, waiting for my friend to come over (we carpooled). As he was being dropped off, all I really remember is parents running around and the channel being changed to the news. The next thing I remember from that day is sitting on the floor in Mrs. McGavin's first grade class and having a moment of silence. I didn't know what was going on. I was only 6 and no one really wanted us to know anything. All I really remember is that those few minutes of silence felt different than the more common ones we had had on occasion. 

That's all I know from that day. And for 9 years after I found out little more. The only thing I really remember is that each year on September 11th, we had that same moment of silence. I wish I could remember more... I wish I had been older and could have understood at least a little. But then again maybe I'm lucky... lucky that I was so young. I don't remember and can't recall any of the horrible details. 

Last year was the 10 year anniversary of the attack. It was a Sunday and I came home from church desperately wanting to understand what exactly had happened on that day 10 years before. All I had to do was turn on the tv. For the rest of the night I sat and watch documentary after documentary, setting aside all my "pressing" homework. I sat and watched and sat and thought. Finally I had some idea of what had happened. I say some idea because everything that happened is more than any one person can take in all at once. I don't think anyone can really understand everything that happened on that day. 

Every year since on September 11th we come together, put out flags, have moments of silence... but then the next day it seems as if it never happened. The same sense of unity that we felt on September 11th, 2001, should be felt every day throughout the country. I wish it was. Maybe someday we'll get there... or maybe not. But the only person I can really control is myself. 

We all have stuff going on in our lives... trials and struggles that we wish we didn't have sometimes. But hey... we're alive. Lots of people don't get the chance to see tomorrow, thinking about the disaster at the World Trade Center, and hearing the stories of the people and families reminds me of that. 

I'm alive. Why shouldn't I be happy? As each day comes to an end I pray and thank God for the opportunity I had to live another day. And, not to sound morbid, but if I wasn't going to see tomorrow, I'd like to think that today was the happiest day of my life. Sure, little stupid things happen to get on my nerves. But so what? I am alive. :)

So many people are fighting for and protecting this country. Our country. And some of them die every day protecting us. Many people died because of the attack on the World Trade Center, but many people were saved as well. These noble men and women are the reason we can live the way we do and the reasons we have the freedoms that we have. They are the reason we can live to see another day. 

These people are so appreciated but no level of appreciation would be enough. A great start would be to remember them and everything they do for us, not just on days like today, September 11th, but every day of the year. After all, they don't just protect us a few days out of the year... they are there for us every day of every year. So for any of you reading this who are soldiers, or firemen, or policemen, or doctors, or any of the thousands + people who help protect and take care of this country, or are a family member/friend of someone who is, THANK YOU. 

I'm sure this post, as well as many today, seems somber and even upsetting. But that's not my intent. We, as individuals and as a country, are still here today. Alive and fighting. And that's something to be proud of. Something to be happy about. 

So every day when you wake up, I challenge you to smile. Because you are alive. Be happy. :)

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