Note to Self:
You probably shouldn't start a blog if you have no idea what you're doing.
Hi Everyone! (aka: the one or two people who might be reading this)
As noted above, I have no idea what I'm doing starting a blog... but I figure if everyone else can, SO CAN I! So we're just gonna have to see how this works out!
A little more information about me and this blog:
I'm a senior in high school. High school is AWESOME! Ok... sometimes. Ok... not usually. Whatever, you've all been there so why am I trying to convince you? Haha
ANYWAY. Every once in a while, when I go though things in my life that are less than easy, I have a little burst of inspiration. Then I spam Facebook with all my silly "Note to Self" statuses. There are a few problems with this: some people don't care, you can only see them for a day or two, with the new "timeline" thing on Facebook they disappear after awhile... So I thought to myself, "Why not start a blog?" I figure there are a few advantages to this option:
- I can keep a collection of all these "notes" in one, easy-to-access place.
- More people can read them. Who knows? Maybe the lesson I learned can help someone else too.
- My Facebook friends won't have my "notes" all over their home page. If they want to see them, they can come here and if not then they don't have to worry!
- Let's be honest... I think everyone has wanted to start a blog at one point or another. At least I know I have!
So... yeah. I'm excited! And that's about all I have to say for now... Oh! I can't guarantee how often I'll post (never know when something's going to pop into my head). I have a few that I've written down that should get this started though! Also, there are still some things that I haven't quite figured out yet... so please be patient!
Hope you all enjoyed my rambles and my first attempt at a blog post! Thanks for reading!
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