Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Mormon Cliché

Note to Self:

Remember how you planned to go to school, date around, just have some fun? And then, you met him. And now you're a Mormon Cliché.

So . . . life happens. Last year when I went to college I was in a much different place than I am now. I was 18 years old, leaving home for the first time. I was leaving behind all of the people and things and places I knew, to completely start over. And I had a plan . . . well, I thought I did. 

Basically I was just going to go to school. Hopefully get a job just for some extra cash, but my scholarship covered almost everything. I just wanted to have a chill year, you know? Make some friends, go out on some dates, really just have a good time. I didn't want to get serious with anyone and there was NO WAY I was even going to think about getting married . . .

And now I've become a Mormon Cliché.

Here I am, 19 years old, a ring on my finger, and a wedding in 30 days. Yup. People think I'm crazy. To be perfectly honest, sometimes I think I'm crazy. Maybe I am, maybe we all are. Who can say what is crazy and what isn't? Don't worry, I won't get all philosophical (I wouldn't know how) but it's just a thought. 

Stefen and I are definitely crazy. Separate and most certainly together. I'll be the first to tell you that Stefen is not the guy I thought I was going to marry. Don't worry, I'm not going to cause marital strife before the marriage even begins by telling you this, because he'll admit that I'm not the girl he thought he was going to marry either. So, surprise! What's really crazy, though, is that we are exactly what each other needed. 

In a lot of ways we are very, very opposite. At the same time, we're the same in all the right ways. We balance each other out in so many aspects. And, most importantly, we are ourselves together. We have been from the beginning and that's what's gotten us this far. Stefen has broken down almost every wall I've ever built (and I've built a lot). He's seen me at my highest and my lowest for sure. As cliché as it sounds, he truly knows me better than I know myself. 

Don't get me wrong, some days he drives me insane and I know I frustrate him in ways I'm sure he never imagined possible. We disagree and have arguments. We are imperfect people. And that is OK. 

Almost a year ago I wrote a blog post about the kinds of boys you'll come across in your life: the good, the bad, and the ugly. And then, I added one more category:

"And that category is "him." And he's different. Because he's not going to be perfect . . . but he's going to be perfect for you. He's going to do things that drive you crazy. He's going to say things that you wouldn't believe. He's going to make you listen to his music in the car. He's going to like to do things that you may despise. But at the same time, he's going to be there for you in ways no one ever has before. He's going to somehow say and do all the right things when you need them. He's going to make you laugh and smile. He's going to be the reason for your good days and the one you go to on your bad days. He's the one who knows every little thing about you and will never take advantage of that. He'll be the one that when he leaves you miss him like crazy, but it still feels like he's there with you. He'll make you want to be a better you, and help you to do that. He'll support you in everything. He'll help you grow and learn. He'll watch chick flicks with you. And even better, he'll let you watch Bride Day on TLC. ;)

The hardest part about "him" though, is that he can change. Because we change. There can be a "him" at one point in your life and then you grow up and change and now "him" is someone else. But if this is true, then how do we ever find that special someone? I'll tell you what I believe:

I believe that someday you will find a "him" that is different from the other ones. This one is different in the way that when you change . . . you change TOGETHER. And in this way, he can be your "him" and you can be his "her" forever."

Ladies and gentleman, I know that I have found my "forever him," and I pray every day that I'm becoming the woman who deserves to be his "forever her." 

Maybe I am crazy to get married at 19 . . . but I've learned that crazy doesn't have to be a bad thing. It can be a completely wonderful adventure if you let it be. 

God has a plan and I know that this is part of His plan for me. I can't tell you why, but I can tell you how grateful I am. I can tell you how perfectly imperfect this last year has been. I can tell you that none of my plans worked out, and I am so happy that they didn't. Finally, I can tell you that I have no problem whatsoever being a Mormon Cliché.




Thursday, May 29, 2014

God's plan and timing

Note to Self:

Trust in God's plan and in His timing. 

You'd think I would have learned this by now! And I guarantee I still haven't really learned it. Boo. In fact, this is something that I've touched on in a previous post:

The truth is, this concept is one of the hardest things for me to grasp. Truth? I HATE NOT BEING IN CONTROL. Control keeps me calm and makes me feel safe. Another truth? I am RARELY in control.  

**Spoiler Alert**
You can expect at least one more post about this type of thing in the future because I'm sure there's a lot of change coming in the next year or so. 


This summer I moved back home from school to save money (no rent), help my family move, and get summer job to help pay for school and everything else. So, for the last month or two, I've been looking for a job. What a fun ride that is, huh? One place never got back to me, another wasn't actually hiring, a third place hired someone before I could get away from school to apply. And each time I was just as disappointed. But I AM learning. Every night I added a new phrase to my prayers along the lines of: 

"Help me to be patient. If this job isn't what You have in store for me, I pray that I won't get it. I pray that I will be open to the opportunities that I trust you will give me. Help me to be humble to recognize when the right thing comes along and help me to recognize Your hand in my life." 

I am slowly learning and accepting that what God has planned for me is so much better than what I could plan for myself. And my summer job is just another example of this. 

A few weeks ago I applied to work for an organization called Rise. They work with a range of kids who need a little extra help - whether they have different mental or physical disabilities, or are in foster care, etc. After some help from my amazing friends/references, I got a call a few days later saying that I got the job. Today I finished my second training with them (it was "Western"themed . . . no big deal). And I can honestly say, before even my true first day on the job, that this is one of the best things that has happened to me. I'm sure I can't even imagine all of the blessings that will come from working with these kids and I cannot wait to do all that I can to be a blessing in their lives as well. 

The point is, this wouldn't have happened if I had gotten one of those other jobs. Working in a bakery, or an ice cream place, or whatever other typical "summer jobs" I could have found. But I trusted in God. I trusted that He had a better plan for me than I had for myself and that if I humbled myself enough to follow it, I wouldn't regret it. And I know that I won't. 

So, as hard as it is for me, I know that I need to trust in God's plan and timing. Because He knows me better than I know myself and He knows exactly what I need in my life. I struggle with this nearly every day, but it's something that I'm constantly working on. 

And whoever you are reading this, I know that He has a plan for you too. And it's amazing. And you have more potential than you could ever imagine. So trust in Him. His plan. His timing. It is so, so worth it. 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Sometimes there's nothing you can do

Note to Self:

Sometimes there really isn't anything you can do. And that just sucks. 

I'm a fixer. Either I fix things or I help other people fix things. That's just my mindset. Give me a problem and I'll figure out how to solve it. I guess that's the "engineer" in me--for those of you who don't know, my dad is an engineer and everyone expected me to follow in his footsteps. I hate engineering and math and science, but I'm fairly good at it. Anyway . . . I've always kind of made it my job to fix things. Somehow it seemed that I always attracted problems . . . whether it be things or people. And then I made it my job to do what I could to help out. And I love doing it. I'm going into psychology because I want to help people . . . and it's a psychologist's job to help people help themselves which is even better. 

Well, in the last couple years especially, I've learned that sometimes . . . there really isn't anything I can do. I can try and try and try again . . . but it doesn't make a difference. And that just sucks. 

Sometimes there isn't an answer. Sometimes two plus two just doesn't equal four . . . it just doesn't. Sometimes people need to figure it out on their own and any "help" you try to give them will really only do harm. And sometimes there's nothing anyone can do... it just is what it is. 

This has been one of the life lessons that's been the hardest for me to learn. . . but also one of the most rewarding. I used to beat my self up about not being able to help someone or fix something. And yeah, sometimes I still do. It still kills me to sit back and do nothing . . . but sometimes that's all you can do. 

Sometimes you have to sit on the sidelines. Be there in case the people you love come to you for help and give you something you can actually do. Sometimes you just have to sit on the sidelines, pray, and trust that God knows what he is doing. Trust that, somehow, everything will work out. 

I know this is short . . . and kind of vague. But I don't know what else to say.  I just feel like I needed to say this. Because it's something that I am personally working on learning . . . and I figure I can't be the only one. Thanks everyone! 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

One Little Word - 2014

Note to Self:

Be honest. If you set resolutions . . . you're really just setting yourself up for disappointment. That's why I found One Little Word . . . 

For those of you who have been following my blog, I'd first like to apologize. I only made five posts last year . . . and that's pathetic! I'm going to try to do so much better this year. 

Last year I started a new New Year's tradition called "One Little Word." The idea came from a blog I found ( The original idea came from Ali Edwards ( and the idea is this:

"A single word can be a powerful thing. It can be the ripple in the pond that changes everything. It can be sharp and biting or rich and soft and slow. From my own personal experience, it can be a catalyst for enriching your life.
In 2006, I began a tradition of choosing one word for myself each January--a word that I can focus on, meditate on, and reflect upon as I go about my daily life. My words have included play, peace, vitality, nurture, story, light and up. These words have each become a part of my life in one way or another. They've been embedded into who I am, and into who I'm becoming. They've been what I've needed (and didn't know I needed). They've helped me to breathe deeper, to see clearer and to grow." - Ali Edwards

So for 2013 I gave it a shot. The word I chose was "courage". 
In my last blogpost I talked more about my experiences in 2013 as I focused on this One Little Word (

I went through a similar struggle choosing a word this year . . . but, like last year, there was one word that just stuck no matter how hard I tried to focus on other words to get a better idea. And the word is: 

Not "commit" as in "commit a crime" . . . although that would be funny if you knew me and how likely I am to commit a crime . . . haha 

I mean the commit as in pledge, bind, obligate, act, carry out, do . . . Commit. Committed. Commitment. 

I've never really thought of myself as someone who didn't do that . . . but it's the word that stuck. And as I thought about this word more and more the last couple days coming up to the new year, I realized that maybe I really could work on it more.  

Like last year, I really have no idea what 2014 will bring. After my experience this last year with One Little Word, though, I trust that somehow this word is exactly what I will need to get me through. 

Let this year be the year I commit to:
  • School. Every class. Every assignment. No more half-a** work. 
  • Friendships and relationships. Because they're worth it. 
  • Family. Making them a priority no matter how far away I am.
  • The Gospel of Jesus Christ. In everything that I do.
  • My life. Living it the way that I believe I should. 
  • Being happy. 
I've never been so excited to welcome in a new year before. In all honesty, 2013 was a really hard year. I'm sure many of you would agree. However, I learned and grew more than I knew I could. I'm proud of the things I've accomplished, but I know I have a long way to go. I pray that in 2014 I can continue to make progress and that I can make it a great year. Take each day at a time, because that's all we can do. 

I am committed to this year :) 

Want to join me this year with One Little Word? Comment and share your word or any experiences you've had with this in the past. I strongly believe in the effectiveness of this idea and I'd love to share it with more people :) 

Have a great year everyone!