Note to Self:
There's the good, the bad, and the ugly . . . and then there's him.
Into my fifth week in college and well . . . it's certainly no piece of cake. School, work, friends, roommates, boys . . . and you're thrown into it all at once. I'm sure I'll do posts about some of those other aspects in the near future, but for right now I've gotta talk about the boys.
Of course there are the "good" guys. The guys who hold open doors for you. They talk with you and sincerely listen. They get good grades and maybe they even go to church. They seem to be perfect. And you know . . . there really are a lot of these guys if you look for them.
Then there are the "bad" guys. The ones who break all the rules and never go to class. The ones who do anything and everything because they just don't care and they want to be "cool."
And then there are the "ugly" guys. No not physically, I'm talking about the guys who really just have ugly personalities. The guys who don't have any respect for anyone. The guys who treat girls like property and worse. The guys who treat other guys like dirt, too. These are also the guys who are complete morons and think that telling a girl they want to go watch porn is going to help them out . . . Yes, this idiot exists. LOL
I've only been in college for four weeks and I've already met all three kinds of guys. Many times over. And the thing is, in college we're all getting to the point in our lives when we're looking for that special someone, you know? And honestly the prospects don't always look that great haha it's just the ugly truth. But out of these guys, obviously it's the good guys that you want. How could you ask for more?
But you know what? You can. Because there's one more category. And that category is "him." And he's different. Because he's not going to be perfect . . . but he's going to be perfect for you. He's going to do things that drive you crazy. He's going to say things that you wouldn't believe. He's going to make you listen to his music in the car. He's going to like to do things that you may despise. But at the same time, he's going to be there for you in ways no one ever has before. He's going to somehow say and do all the right things when you need them. He's going to make you laugh and smile. He's going to be the reason for your good days and the one you go to on your bad days. He's the one who knows every little thing about you and will never take advantage of that. He'll be the one that when he leaves you miss him like crazy, but it still feels like he's there with you. He'll make you want to be a better you, and help you to do that. He'll support you in everything. He'll help you grow and learn. He'll watch chick flicks with you. And even better, he'll let you watch Bride Day on TLC. ;)
The hardest part about "him" though, is that he can change. Because we change. There can be a "him" at one point in your life and then you grow up and change and now "him" is someone else. But if this is true, then how do we ever find that special someone? I'll tell you what I believe:
I believe that someday you will find a "him" that is different from the other ones. This one is different in the way that when you change . . . you change TOGETHER. And in this way, he can be your "him" and you can be his "her" forever.
I've had "hims" before. I have a "him" now. . . and I don't even pretend to know yet if he is the "him." And that's okay because I know that someday I will know. And when that day comes all of this unknown will be worth it. Someday I will find my forever "him." And until then I just have to be the best that I can be to deserve being his "her."
So, all my single ladies . . . stay strong. Stay true to yourself and your values and what you want. Because there are a lot of dirtbags out there who will make you think you don't deserve any better . . . but don't get discouraged. There's also "him." :)
The hardest part about "him" though, is that he can change. Because we change. There can be a "him" at one point in your life and then you grow up and change and now "him" is someone else. But if this is true, then how do we ever find that special someone? I'll tell you what I believe:
I believe that someday you will find a "him" that is different from the other ones. This one is different in the way that when you change . . . you change TOGETHER. And in this way, he can be your "him" and you can be his "her" forever.
I've had "hims" before. I have a "him" now. . . and I don't even pretend to know yet if he is the "him." And that's okay because I know that someday I will know. And when that day comes all of this unknown will be worth it. Someday I will find my forever "him." And until then I just have to be the best that I can be to deserve being his "her."
So, all my single ladies . . . stay strong. Stay true to yourself and your values and what you want. Because there are a lot of dirtbags out there who will make you think you don't deserve any better . . . but don't get discouraged. There's also "him." :)