Sunday, November 4, 2012

It only happens in the movies

Note to Self:

You know all those things that "only happen in the movies"? Well where do you think the ideas came from? 

The last few weeks I have had so many moments where I stand back astonished... because the thing I just witnessed "only happens in movies". And then I think about it and really a lot of those things happen... all the time. So why do we think they only happen in the movies? Haha 

Here's just a few I've noticed recently. 

1. It was the big football game of the season; the rivalry game. More people go to this game than the Homecoming game so you know it's big. Both my sophomore and junior year my school won and we were hoping to keep the title this year too. Well, the night of the game the weather wasn't exactly in our favor. It rained. And when it rains, it pours. We were all drenched within just a few minutes of the game, but we stayed and kept on cheering. We were behind in the first quarter, but we picked up speed and we won the game. This is the "movie moment":

After we won we all ran onto the field in the pouring rain. It was so great! Could it have been any more perfect? Well it turns out that wasn't the biggest movie moment of the night either. As my friends and I are spinning around in the rain and laughing at each other, we happen to stop and look over just as one of the guys in our senior class runs over to one of his friends (a girl), dips her, and kisses her. Right there, at the end of a victory football game, in the rain. It was beyond great. 

2. This one actually happened the same night. My friends and I were freezing cold after the game so we did what any normal teenager would do... we went to get some ice cream! On our way we drove towards a gutter that was filled with water. We watched in awe as a big truck ran right through it, splashing water up onto the sidewalk where a person was walking, and completely doused them. Come on... am I the only person who has never seen that happen in real life before? 

3. This last one happened about a week ago... I had just walked into the girls bathroom at the high school to change before dance. Well, as I looked over I saw a legitimate "Hot List" written on the door. Complete with about 20 names of guys in my school. There were the obvious picks on there, you know the football players, the SBO's, etc. Then there were a few surprises as well. 

Sure I've seen a few AB + CD written in hearts around the school (those are made up initials by the way), but a whole "Hot List"? Complete with contributions from a number of girls? Never. I sure got a laugh out of it though.

Anyway. These are just some stupid, high school examples. But my point is that the things that "only happen in the movies"... don't just happen in the movies. So watch your back, you never know if one of these "movie moments" is coming your way next! ;)

It's a great day to be alive

Note to Self:

It's a great day to be alive. 

I came home from work early the other day and I saw three gorgeous dandelions in front of my neighbors house and decided they'd be perfect for an aperture shot for my photography class. I ran inside, grabbed my camera, ran back out the door in about a minute flat. Then I planted myself in the gutter and spent a good 15 minutes and took maybe 60 pictures until I thought I had the perfect shot. 

I stood up, brushed myself off, and looked around to see that it really was a beautiful day outside. No one else was home at my house, and wouldn't be for at least half an hour, so I decided to take a walk. Just me, my camera, and nature. As I reached the end of the driveway, a neighbor rode by on his bike. He smiled as he came down the street and askd me how I was doing. I said I was doing well and asked him the same. He gave me the biggest smile and yelled, "It's a great day to be alive," over his shoulder as he passed. 

I smiled to myself and continued walking. I took some pictures of some cool rocks and some pretty weeds  ever notice how some of the prettiest plants are weeds?  and even some birds that happened to hold still long enough. I loved taking pictures, but mostly I just loved walking around and looking up at the bright blue sky. 

I came around the last bend and saw my house. I new I still had homework, dinner, family time, and who knows what else waiting for me that night. But as 
I finished my walk around the block, I forgot about the places to go, the things to do, the people to see... because you know what? 

It's a great day to be alive. :D